I guess that's the deal. I haven't went ahead and logged in yet to see, but I guess that's what happens. Drudge puts an tantalizing link on his page, you click with anticipation, and end up getting the stupid Microsoft Live login request.

That's life in 2024 on the internet. Everything requires a login. It's getting ridiculous really, the way we are being tracked and prompted everywhere we go online. That's one thing about my low-tech site here on justinhackett.com. I don't yet require any kind of login to read my stuff or buy products.


The day is probably coming when the tech titans force me to do that, but until then this is still the Wild Wild West.

I depend on people buying my stuff to get paid.

I used to love reading Drudge, when he wasn't promoting liberalism. Way back when he first got big-time after the Monica Lewinski thing and Bill Clinton, Matt Drudge was hailed as an outlaw of sorts. A real gumshoe detective of the web. But I heard he sold Drudge Report, or he just handed it over to an AI that updates his site and links.

I still go there. But my choice of great interesting news now comes mostly from the Richardson Post. Check it out.