This is what I want my kids to know about following their passions and using their talents.
Why should I waste time writing an article here? For one it's easier to type then to write with a pen, and since most days I keep a notepad of random ideas written down anyway, it makes sense to write it once, in less time, and also provide content other people find interesting.
If you don't find it interesting than you probably aren't my target audience.
Am I being satirical or serious? Well, get to know me better and you'll find out.
Went to Gillette yesterday to get the trailer back. I sold Xavier's Yamaha YZF600R. The buyer's friend, Cody, was a good guy. Enjoyed talking to him and listening to his story about hunting coyotes and scoping out hunting areas.
Something I've realized lately is I have a unique super-power as a result of my spinal cord injury. I can give myself permission to adapt. Someone said to me the other day "Wow Justin, that injury has really limited you hasn't it?". I felt validated when he said that, but then I realized I didn't know how to answer that. It really did have a huge effect on my mental and physical health, and although it did limit me, I really never let it stop me. I always felt expected to work and function like everyone else around me. All those other people that were "normal" expected me to keep up, and they didn't care that I had an injury.
That attitude kept me from realizing that the world needs artists creating stuff, just as bad as it needs electricians fixing stuff. That same electrician might also make art in his spare time.
The one thing I do know. I am comfortable publishing content to a blog that nobody reads, but I am not comfortable shooting video of myself and posting it on Instagram. So if I'm going to write anyway, I might as well write here, where other people can enjoy it. And if nobody ever reads it, it still paid off by giving me something to do to keep my web-dev chops up to speed.
Also, I do this because I think of doing it, because I enjoy it. Am I good at it? Well, I get better the more I do it. When I stop and try to justify my right to do it then I get bogged down. I slow down and I think too deep. I question the morality of doing this website. That's so stupid isn't it?
If I come back and read this tomorrow on my own website I'll probably want to erase this post. That's a little like hating to see myself on camera. Or looking at myself in the mirror. It's cringe.
When I think about what Jesus said about the guy who buried his talents, it makes me feel like I should not fear taking a risk. The master said in Jesus' parable, "at least you should have put it in the bank so it could earn some interest." I think Jesus was teaching his listeners that to be given tools or money by your boss, means you should take those things and put them to use. Don't bury them because you fear the master, and what he'll do if you don't pay him back. He's not wanting paid back. He's God. He owns and controls it all. He's testing us, by giving us those desires and abilities, and he's wanting us to trust in him.
There. I got a little preachy there for a minute. Nothing wrong with that folks. like the good Pastor Paul Cannings says, "Stay focused".